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Ancestral Healing Circle is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to healing history.

We work with Tribal Representatives and Native Nonprofits to empower change.


Our Mission

At Ancestral Healing Circle we recognize and address Ȟá Wičhóuŋčhaǧe OyázaŋyA -- intergenerational historical trauma. Through decades of cross-cultural programs, prayer walks, traditional ceremonies, united allies -- along with many allies, we help to heal the history.

Recently focused efforts have been on helping rename sacred Indigenous places and replacing derogatory or colonized names. In our 35 years of experience, we have learned that debilitating trauma can be passed down through many generations and affect our lives in many ways. 



We've experienced historical trauma begin to heal when descendants take honest accountability for the past harms done and practice appropriate acts of restorative justice. Then real forgiveness becomes possible. We believe in and continue to learn how to implement the Lakota concept of Wóakiktuŋže and practice wókiksuye, remembrance. 

We have witnessed how name changes lift the vibration of oppression and offer tangible healing now -- and for generations to come.



We facilitate and support repatriation efforts for Native Americans and understand that the returning of artifacts, isn't just returning objects, it is returning belongings -- Waȟpáye -- bringing them home helps bring home healing to the lineal descendants, and ancestral survivors.

Descendants of Wakíŋaŋ Čík’ala, (Chief Little Thunder), Sicangu Lakota and General William S. Harney Commander of the 1855 Blue Water Massacre and designer and signer of The 1868 Ft. Laramie join in efforts to -- Healing The History.​

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